Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Finish up week!

Hi Everyone,

As you probably know, this is the last chance to finish up your work. Grades are due this week. I will be submitting grades on Friday morning. Review the section of the syllabus entitled "Academic Expectations" and make sure that all of the work you'd like me to see is posted to your fotothing account. I have been leaving positive comments on most of the images posted to your fotothing account that is worthy of your "final portfolio".... If the image has not been commented on, or if I left a comments that implied you could have done better, you probably missed the mark on it. If I left positive comments on one image of a series and you have others like it, then the comment applies generally to the group. I have tried to get you to work with and appreciate natural light and to fill the frame with intentional design. Incandescent, flourescent and flash light sources generally do not count. Out of focus pictures generally don't count either unless they specifically are about expressive movement. Your portrait series should have good natural light falling across the face... the macro series should be about natural form and light and also be sharp.

You should all be proud of what your have accomplished. Many of you started with no experience in working with digital images, much less blogging and creating an online portfolio of images. Your work posted to has been commented on by photographers all over the world. I hope you will continue to post there and keep growing and learning all you can in this new medium. I hope this has been a worthwhile and great learning experience for you. :)



Antonio said...

Hi, Jerry. Thank you for this beautiful experience, which I took advantage of, to start in astrophotography. I did not want to spend much to buy a digital camera that I could have used with a telescope and this class gave me the "excuse" to buy it! Anyway, I have some reviews on my fotothing from other people but none from you. The only thing I am missing there is the portrait on week 5 (I think), which I posted pictures of my cat as I did not want to post any photos of the person I took photos of.

Thank you,


Margaret51 said...

Hi Jerry-
My first photgraphy class and my very last requirement for graduation! Thanks so much for all of the tips this class offered.. the use of fotothing and picassa will long be with me- thisis great! The structure of the class was excellent; use of the blog for our class to comment and share with each other and use of fotothing to share with the world. I have received comments from everywhere- you are right.. they love Hansel my Weimaraner!!! Been a pleasure.. Thanks!

robin gordon said...

Hi Jerry, Thank you for instructing such a wonderful class, I learned a great deal about my camera and I also enjoyed the experience.Taking pictures will be alot more fun.