Friday, January 19, 2007

What to I need to get done this week?

Hi Everyone,

Some of you are off to a great start already... Many have not shown up yet or contacted me. I expect there will be more activity this week-end. Next week we will move on to our first formal assignment of finding line, shape, mass and light around a village/city environment. It is VERY important to get all of the technical issues resolved this week and to have your bio and self portrait posted here before Monday.

Things to do this week, by Sunday.

1. Create your Blooger Account. Reply to the email that blogger sent you by clicking on the link. If the link is not an active one, copy and paste it into your browser window and hit return... you will be brought to the correct log-in page. To learn how to post and log in read this tutorial I created on my website. I wrote it for my last class so now the name of this blog has changed to Digital Photography, Mod 2. You can view a video I created, "How to Post to the Blog" Here.

It really is easy.... If you have an alias like "Inspector" or "Snapshot", let me know who you are so you can get credit for the post!

2. Post a photo of yourself... be creative! Try a reflection, your shadow, or just a straight shot. Tell us something about yourself.

3. Download and install Picasa2 software... This takes just a couple of minutes. Look at the videos on how to use Picasa2 I created by following the link from the blog or syllabus. Learn how to get pictures from your camera onto your computer using Picasa2. If you are already using Photoshop, continue to use that. Most folks though aren't already using it and the expense and sttep learning curve associated with Photoshop is the reason I am suggesting you use Picasa2

4. Create a Fotothing account at let me know your alias and go to and add me as a "friend". I need to find you and add you as a "friend" in order for you to show up in my list of friends... either post your screen ailas here on the blog ( a good idea) or send me an email...

It is VERY important to get these technical issues out of the way in this first week so that you don't fall behind!

Let me know if you are having any trouble in any way.... I am here to help!

Best wishes for a great class for you!


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