Monday, February 5, 2007

Beach Assignment

I braved the cold on Sunday morning to take these pictures at my hometown beach, Walnut, in Milford Ct. This picture is in black and white and I used picasa to sharpen the image

I was walking down the beach and saw this footprint and I thought it would make an awesome picture. I used "feeling lucky" option in picasa and it definetly perked the picture up. Theres some shadow in the picture and some shells spread across the footprint.
I just wanted to let everyone know my Fotothing name is SRavis918..(original, I know!)...all of my pictures from this weeks assignment and past assignments are posted there!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Wow, Nice work! I especially liked your black and white study, contrasting the rock and the shells! Thanks for your fotothing name, I'll go add you to the list of my friends.