Sunday, February 4, 2007

Week 3... Water, Ice and Rocks.....

Today is a brilliant but freezing cold Sunday. As you consider what you will photograph, remember that I want you to photograph natural water (or in the case of today, ice! ) juxtaposed with another element such as stone, wood, rocks, etc... Actually, I am really interested in your approach to light and design again. Bright, contrasty light like we have today presents its own special challenge. Waiting for a more subdued light can improve your work as water is already fairly contrasty. If you live well inland, try to find a stream or other natural water course or body to work with. Remember to get in close and fill the frame.... only include sky if it adds to the design or mood of your image. Here is a time exposure I took last spring from the Saugatuck river behind the Mark Twain Library in Redding. See how the movement of the water contrasts with the sharp solidity of the stick and rock? I also used subdued lighting near sunset and put the camera on a tripod. The shutter exposure was about 20 seconds long. Have fun!

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