Sunday, February 4, 2007

Week 3-By the Sea

I liked how the water glistened here and the weeds gave a nice contrast to the photograph and the black & white gave it a softer feel.
This cluster of shells was interesting and looked good in black and white but the center shell had such a nice yellowish color to it that I couldn't leave it out so I used the focal b&w to keep the color in the photo.

I loved the way the light shined on the water. By the rocks, it seemed to sparkle. Here, as the water splashed up against the rocks, the light glowed on it. I sharpened the photographs in picasa and added light to enhance the shimmer of light on the water.


Jerry said...

Beautiful work, Maria! Using light so effectively is what makes these pictures work so well.

robin gordon said...

I like the b/w good shots :)