Saturday, January 20, 2007


Hello everyone!! My name is Sarah Ravis. I love taking pictures, my friends always roll their eyes whenever we're out because at some point I'll start going picture crazy. I just love having pictures to look back on all the fun times I had with my friends and family. A little about me....I'm 23 and I'm actually in the process of moving out with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years. It's a major step in my life and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. Leaving home is not going to be easy!!! I work full time at HealthNet in Shelton, I've been there for 2 years and I recently just got a new position within the company. I did recieve my A.S. degree from Housatonic Comm. College in May 2005 and took a year off to save money. This is my second mod at Albertus and my major is Human Resource Mgt. I live in Milford and when I do have spare time, I pretty much like to spend it with my friends since I don't get to see them as often as I would like!


Jerry said...

Hi Sarah! Thanks for the great post... good luck in moving out... it is a big step. Time to get that boyfriend committed!

Looking forward to working with you.

jenovaix said...

Great portrait! The reflection came out much clearer than the ones i tried (and failed miserably at)